Filtering by: ESTE PREMIA
Presented by Fabio Kreplak, CEO, Mirabaud Uruguay
In the presence of the award jury
Renaud Proch, Director, ICI - Independent Curator International
Sergio Cantarovici, Collector
Ines Etchebarne, Fondo Nacional de las Artes
In Spanish without translation.
By invitation only.
With the support of Mirabaud.
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Presented by María José Martabit, CEO, Theodora AI and Laura Bardier, Director, ESTE ARTE.
We are thrilled to announce that ESTE ARTE and THEODORA AI have partnered to launch the Premio Theodora, a groundbreaking commission award promoting the ethical integration of Artificial Intelligence in arts.
In Spanish, without translation.
Open to the public.
With the support of Theodora AI.
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ESTE ARTE awards the second Premio Laetitia. The statuette of this prestigious award has been designed on this occasion by artist Martin Pelenur.
In Spanish, without translation.
Open to the public.
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5.30 – 6 pm
ESTE PREMIA | Don Baez Acquisition Award de ESTE ARTE
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6 – 7 pm | ESTE PREMIA | Award Ceremony
First Laetitia Philanthropy Award of ESTE ARTE
Honored Ama Amoedo, Fundación Ama Amoedo
Beatríz Argimón, vice president of Uruguay, will present the award
The award was designed by the artist Guadalupe Ayala
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