Buenos Aires | Argentina

Paraná 1158
C1018 ADC
Buenos Aires

Director | Eugenio Ottolenghi

OTTO Galería opens its doors in July 2016. Its director trained with Jorge Mara and follows in his footsteps in this project. Its work focuses on the most contemporary features of traditional disciplines, with clearly defined genres such as abstraction, landscape, still life, lyrical abstraction and collage, or sculpture. In other words, artists linked to the tradition of modern art but with a very strong contemporary trait, who are attached to a solid tradition of traditional disciplines.

Fernando Allievi (1954, Argentina) | Daniel Callori (1982, Argentina) | Catalina Chervin (1953, Argentina) | Marisa Gill (1959, Argentina) | Martín La Rosa (1972, Argentina) | Manuel Larralde (1982, Argentina) | Pabli Stein (1986, Argentina)