January 4-7, 2025
Pavilion Vik

Saturday, January 4

5 - 10 pm

Sunday, January 5
Monday, January 6
Tuesday, January 7

5 - 10 pm

Ruta 10, Km 182,500
José Ignacio, Uruguay


Itinerary for Frances Morris, Marcela Guerrero, and Meruro Washida


    • Duration: As long as needed.

    • Details: A member of the ESTE ARTE team will greet you upon arrival. 

    • Location: Carrasco International Airport, Montevideo

    • Duration: 3 hours

    • Details: The journey from Carrasco International Airport to your hotel the Wanderlust Hotel will take around 3 hours.

    • Riders: Frances Morris (Independent Curator), Marcela Guerrero (Whitney Museum), and Meruro Washida (Towada Art Center), and a Member of the ESTE ARTE team.

    • Transportation: Car service provided.

    • Location: Route from Carrasco International Airport, Montevideo to José Ignacio.

    • Duration: 2 hours

    • Event type: Private lunch

    • Details: Enjoy a private “asado” lunch before heading to the Wanderlust Hotel. If you want to use the pool, you will have time and rooms available to freshen up or change into a swimsuit.

    • Guests: approx. 12 people
      Frances Morris (Independent Curator) and husband
      Marcela Guerrero (Whitney Museum)
      Meruro Washida (Towada Art Center)
      Renaud Proch (ICI)
      Simone Castets (Luma Foundation)
      Alex Gartenfeld (ICA Miami)
      Guadalupe Ayala (artist)
      Pablo Uribe (artist)
      Laura Bardier (Este Arte)

    • Host: Clarice Tavares, collector and philanthropist.

    • Transportation: Car service provided.

    • Location: Clarice Tavares private home,
      Laguna del Sauce, Maldonado.

    • Duration: 10 minutes

    • Details: Drive to the Wanderlust Hotel, José Ignacio.

    • Riders: Frances Morris, Marcela Guerrero, and Meruro Washida, and Renaud Proch

    • Transportation: Car service provided.

    • Location: Route to Wanderlust Hotel, José Ignacio.

    • Duration: 5 hours

    • Event Type: By invitation only.

    • Details: You are cordially invited to this exclusive, invitation-only VIP event. If you would like to bring additional guests, please let us know, and we will add them to the VIP list. The dress code is effortlessly joyful.

    • Transportation: The venue is within walking distance from the hotel, but car service is available upon request.

    • Location: Pavilion VIK, José Ignacio.

    • Duration: 1.5 hours

    • Event type: Private dinner

    • Details: After the ESTE ARTE 2025 Preview, enjoy a private dinner.

    • Guests: approx. 30 people
      Frances Morris (Independent Curator) and husband
      Marcela Guerrero (Whitney Museum)
      Meruro Washida (Towada Art Center)
      Renaud Proch (ICI)
      Laura Bardier (Este Arte)
      Mercedes Sader (Black Gallery)
      Pati Fernandez (Black Gallery)
      Among others

    • Host: Edda and Robert Kofler, collectors and philanthropists.

    • Transportation: The Posada Ayana is within walking distance from the Pavilion VIK, but if you need a car service, please let us know.

    • Location: Posada Ayana, José Ignacio



    • Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes

    • Event Type: Public program

    • Details: Marcela Guerrero will lead a public program in English, without translation, discussing her curatorial practice and projects. 

    • Speaker: Marcela Guerrero, DeMartini Family Curator, Whitney Museum of American Art

    • Introduction: Laura Bardier, Director, Este Arte

    • Transportation: A car service will be provided.

    • Location: Hotel Fasano Las Piedras, Maldonado

    • Duration: 1.5 hours

    • Event type: Private lunch

    • Details: After the ESTE CHARLA, enjoy a private lunch.

    • Guests: approx. 12 people
      Frances Morris (Independent Curator) and husband
      Marcela Guerrero (Whitney Museum)
      Meruro Washida (Towada Art Center)
      Renaud Proch (ICI)
      Laura Bardier (Este Arte)
      Among others

    • Host: hosted by ESTE ARTE and Le Mont.

    • Transportation: n/a

    • Location: Hotel Fasano Las Piedras, Maldonado

    • Duration: 2 hours

    • Event Type: Professional program

    • Details: A time reserved for reviewing portfolios of Uruguayan artists who applied through a national open call organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture of Uruguay. You can decide how many artists you would like to meet, and the meetings can last as little as 15 minutes or longer, depending on your preferences.

    • Transportation: The venue is within walking distance from the hotel, but car service is available upon request.

    • Location: Pavilion VIK, José Ignacio.

    5.30—6.10 PM | Deck, Pavilion VIK
    Fabian Burgos, artist
    In conversation with Gabriela Castellani, Collector and Paula Santillán, Director, CIRCA.

    ESTE FOCUS | Galería Maria Casado
    6:10—6:50 PM | Galería Maria Casado Booth, Pavilion VIK
    Booth Walkthrough with artist Federico Lanzi.

    6:50—7:30 PM | DEL INFINITO Booth, Pavilion Vik
    Booth Walkthrough with the artist Esteban Pastorino.

    ESTE PREMIA | Premio Laetitia
    7:30—8:10 PM | Deck, Pavilion Vik
    ESTE ARTE awards the second Premio Laetitia.
    This prestigious award has been designed on this occasion by the renowned artist Martin Pelenur.

    ESTE FOCUS | Galería SUR
    8:10—8:50 PM | Deck, Pavilion Vik
    Eduardo Cardozo, artist
    In conversation with Martín Castillo, Director, Galería SUR

    ESTE FOCUS | Black Gallery
    8:50—9:30 PM | Deck, Pavilion VIK
    Francisca Maya, artist
    Meram Saá, artist
    María Maggiori, artist
    In conversation with Mercedes Sader and Patricia Fernandez Graña, Director, Black Gallery

    Duration: 5 hours

    • Event Type: Public program accessible via invitation or ticket.

    • Details: This program features a vernissage celebration open to the public and a series of presentations by galleries and artists. Exhibitors will introduce their gallery programs and their artist’s work.

    • Transportation: The venue is within walking distance from the hotel, but car service is available upon request.

    • Location: Pavilion VIK, José Ignacio

    • Duration: 2 hours

    • Event Type: Private Seated Dinner

    • Details: A private dinner just for the ESTE ARTE Selection Committee, and guest curators.

    • Guests: exactly 17 people
      Frances Morris (Independent Curator) and husband
      Marcela Guerrero (Whitney Museum)
      Meruro Washida (Towada Art Center)
      Renaud Proch (ICI)
      Laura Bardier (Este Arte
      Aline Herrnstadt and Sergio Fogel (Collectors)
      Elianne Litwin and Ales Saul (Collectors)
      Mohamed Julien Ndao and wife (Collectors)
      Alberto Rebaza and Ginette Lumbroso (Collectors)
      Amalia Amoedo, (Collector)
      Veronica Flom, director, Fundación Ama Amoedo
      Laura Hakel, curator, Colección Ama Amoedo

    • Host: Ama Amoedo, collector and philanthropist.

    • Location: Parador La Huella, José Ignacio



    • Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes

    • Event Type: Public Program

    • Details: Meruro Washida will lead a public program in English without translation, discussing her curatorial practice and projects. 

    • Speaker: Meruro Washida, Director, Towada Art Center

    • Introduction: Laura Bardier, Director, Este Arte

    • Transportation: A car service will be provided.

    • Location: Xippas Gallery, Ruta 104 5km, Manantiales

    • Duration: 1 hour

    • Event Type: Private Visit to John Baldessari’s exhibition at the MACA - Museo Arte Contemporaneo Atchugarry, with lender and collector Craig Robins.

    • Details: An opportunity to visit the exhibition with Craig Robins.

    • Guests: approx. 10 people

    • Host: Craig Robins.

    • Transportation: A car service will be provided.

    • Location: MACA - Museo Arte Contemporaneo Atchugarry, Ruta 4, km 5, Manantiales

    • Duration: 2 hours

    • Event Type: Professional program

    • Details: A time reserved for reviewing portfolios of Uruguayan artists who applied through a national open call organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture of Uruguay. You can decide how many artists you would like to meet, and the meetings can last as little as 15 minutes or longer, depending on your preferences.

    • Transportation: The venue is within walking distance from the hotel, but car service is available upon request.

    • Location: Pavilion VIK, José Ignacio.

  • ESTE FOCUS | Galería Tarquinia
    5:30—6:10 PM | Galería Tarquinia Booth, Pavilion VIK
    Booth walkthrough with artist Christian Jander.

    ESTE FOCUS | OTTO Galería
    6:10—6:50 PM | OTTO Galería Booth, Pavilion VIK
    Booth walkthrough with artist Daniel Stroomer a.k.a. nasepop
    In conversation with Eugenio Ottolenghi, Director, OTTO Galería

    ESTE FOCUS | Galería del Paseo
    6:50—7:30 PM | Deck, Pavilion VIK
    Liliana Porter, Artist
    Ana Tiscornia, Artist
    In conversation with Pablo León de la Barra, Curator at Large, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum.

    ESTE PREMIA | Premio Theodora
    7:30—8:10 PM | Deck, Pavilion VIK
    Presented by María José Martabit, CEO, Theodora AI and Laura Bardier, Director, ESTE ARTE.

    ESTE FOCUS | Galería Aninat
    8:10—8:40 PM | Deck, Pavilion Vik
    Isabel Aninat, Director, Galería Aninat
    Followed by a booth walkthrough with artist Catalina Swinburn

    ESTE FOCUS | Wgalería
    8:40—9:20 PM | W—galería Booth, Pavilion Vik
    Booth walkthrough with artist Gimena Macri

    • Duration: 5 hours

    • Event Type: Public program accessible via invitation or ticket.

    • Details: This program features a celebration open to the public and a series of presentations by galleries and artists. Exhibitors will introduce their gallery programs and their artist’s work.

    • Transportation: The venue is within walking distance from the hotel, but car service is available upon request.

    • Location: Pavilion VIK, José Ignacio

    • Duration: 2 hours

    • Event Type: Private Dinner Party

    • Details: A private dinner party.

    • Guests: About 100 people.

    • Host: Afshan Almassi, collector and philanthropist.

    • Location: Afshan Almassi and Prince Erick Sturdza’s private home, Maldonado



    • Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes

    • Event Type: Public Program and brunch

    • Details: Frances Morris will lead a public program in English, without translation, discussing her curatorial practice and projects. 
      Brunch will be served afterward.

    • Speaker: Frances Morris, Independent Curator and Director Emerita, Tate Modern

    • Introduction: Laura Bardier, Director, Este Arte

    • Transportation: The venue is within walking distance from the hotel, but car service is available upon request.

    • Location: Fundación Ama Amoedo, Casa Neptuna, Del Timonel 4, 20402 José Ignacio

    • Duration: 1 hour
      Event Type: Private Visit

    • Details: Visit the Foundation to explore the exhibition by Argentine artist Gabriel Chaile, curated by the renowned Pablo León de la Barra.

    • Guests: Frances Morris, Marcela Guerrero, Meruro Washida, and additional invited guests.

    • Host: Virginia Cervieri

    • Transportation: The venue is within walking distance from the Fundación Ama Amoedo, but car service is available upon request.

    • Location: Fundación Cervieri Monsuárez (Eugenio Sainz Martínez
      esq. Los Cisnes,
      José Ignacio)

    • Duration: 2 hours

    • Event Type: Professional program
      Details: A time reserved for reviewing portfolios of Uruguayan artists who applied through a national open call organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture of Uruguay. You can decide how many artists you would like to meet, and the meetings can last as little as 15 minutes or longer, depending on your preferences.

    • Transportation: The venue is within walking distance from the hotel, but car service is available upon request.

    • Location: Pavilion VIK, José Ignacio.

  • ESTE FOCUS | Galería Luz Verde
    5:30—6:10 PM | Galería Luz Verde Booth, Pavilion VIK
    Booth Walkthrough with the artist Ernesto Carozzo.

    6:10—6:50 PM | Deck, Pavilion VIK
    Fernanda Gutiérrez, Artist
    Sebastián Leyton, Artist
    In conversation with Daniela Claro, Director, Galería Espacio O

    ESTE FOCUS | Millan
    6:50—7:30 PM | Deck, Pavilion VIK
    Túlio Pinto, Artist
    In conversation with César Escandarani, CEO, Planet Partners

    ESTE PREMIA | Premio Mirabaud
    7:30—8:30 PM | Deck, Pavilion VIK
    Presented by Fabio Kreplak, CEO, Mirabaud Uruguay
    in the presence of the award jury
    Renaud Proch, Director, ICI - Independent Curator International
    Sergio Cantarovici, Collector
    Ines Etchebarne, Fondo Nacional de las Artes

    8:30—9:30 PM | Deck, Pavilion VIK

    • Duration: 5 hours

    • Event Type: Public program accessible via invitation or ticket.

    • Details: This program features a vernissage celebration open to the public and a series of presentations by galleries and artists. Exhibitors will introduce their gallery programs and their artist’s work.

    • Transportation: The venue is within walking distance from the hotel, but car service is available upon request.

    • Location: Pavilion VIK, José Ignacio



    • Duration: 3 hours 

    • Event Type: Private visit

    • Details: Visit Walden Gallery and Black Gallery, followed by lunch.

    • Guests: Frances Morris, Marcela Guerrero, Meruro Washida, and additional invited guests.

    • Transportation: A car service will be provided.

    • Location: Pueblo Garzón, Maldonado.


ESTE ARTE Cultural Summit brings together some of the most insightful art curators, artists, and cultural influencers. They are all at the forefront of the contemporary art world and offer thought-provoking discussions that are sure to inspire. This program promotes a dynamic and vibrant cultural ecosystem, encouraging meaningful conversations and fostering a deeper appreciation for contemporary art.

Curator, art historian and writer, Frances Morris was Director Tate Modern from 2016-2023.  Frances has made many exhibitions and publications, including acclaimed retrospectives of Louise Bourgeois, Yayoi Kusama, and Agnes Martin, most recently co-curating Hilma Af Klint & Piet Mondrian: Forms of Life. As Director of Collections, International Art from 2006 to 2016 Frances led the transformation of Tate’s International Collection, strategically broadening and diversifying its international reach and representation, as well as bringing photography, moving image and live art into the institution for the first time through acquisitions, displays and exhibitions. Frances is currently a Distinguished visiting Professor at Ewha Womens’ University, Seoul, S.Korea, 2024-2026.  She is a Fellow of the London Centre for the Humanities, an Honorary Fellow of King’s College Cambridge and has recently been awarded a D. Lit from the Courtauld Institute of Art. Frances is a Trustee of the Whitechapel Gallery and on advisory boards to a number of international museums including Mori Art Museum Tokyo, MNAC Bucuresti and Serralves, Porto.

Born and raised in Puerto Rico, Marcela Guerrero holds a PhD in art history from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Is the DeMartini Family Curator at the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. Most recently, she co-curated with Angelica Arbelaez Ilana Savdie: Radical Contractions. Guerrero also curated no existe un mundo poshuracán: Puerto Rican Art in the Wake of Hurricane Maria and Martine Gutierrez: Supremacy in 2022-23. She was part of the curatorial team that organized Vida Americana: Mexican Muralists Remake American Art, 1925-1945, and also curated the 2018 exhibition Pacha, Llaqta, Wasichay: Indigenous Space, Modern Architecture, New Art. From 2014 to 2017, she was the Curatorial Fellow for Radical Women: Latin American Art, 1960-1985 organized at the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles. Prior to joining the Hammer, she worked in the Latin American and Latino art department at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. Guerrero’s writing has appeared in several exhibition catalogues and in art journals such as ArtNexus, Caribbean Intransit: The Arts Journal, Gulf Coast: A Journal of Literature and Fine Arts, Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, and Diálogo. 

Director, Towada Art Center / Associate Professor, Tokyo University of the Arts.WASHIDA was born in Kyoto in 1973. He was a curator at the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa from 1999 to 2018. He received his master's degree from the University of Tokyo, where he studied art history. He specializes in contemporary art history and museum studies, and curates contemporary art and architecture exhibitions and projects. His major curatorial works for the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa include “Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa / SANAA” (2005); “Atelier Bow-Wow” (2007); “Kanazawa Platform 2008” (2008); “Jeppe Hein” (2011), “Shimabuku” (2013); “Starting Points: Japanese Art of the ‘80s.” He was the curator of the Japan Pavilion at the 57th Venice Biennale held in 2017 and Aichi Triennale 2019. From 2020, he became the director of Towada Art Center, where he co-curated “Inter + Play” (2020-21).


Is it essential to experience these artworks in person,
or can it simply be viewed online?

SOLO SHOWS Each exhibitor presents one artist. It is possible to present a single artwork, an installation, or several pieces as long as they all come from one single artist.

FIRST VIEWS All the works will be exhibited for the first time. In the case of artists actively producing, it is required that the works have not been previously exhibited in any galleries, museums, or other venues.

LANDMARK In the case of deceased or inactive artists, it is expected that their work has historical relevance, demonstrating an impact on the development of a region, a culture, or the art world in general.

PHYSICAL FORMAT It is important that the projects answer that question. The works presented in the physical format must be related to the current physical context, considering their materiality, tangibility, physicality, perspective, and installation.

DIGITAL FORMAT Each gallery must have all their available works accessible in digital format. Galleries will have a scheduled gallery presentation time in the program and a specific space equipped with digital display technology to facilitate detailed business meetings.

DEEP DIVE If the exhibiting artist is physically present, a guided tour of their stand will be organized during opening hours. If the artist cannot be present, a virtual guided tour of their studio will be planned.

ICONIC Galleries will be selected based on proposals that are iconic, thought-provoking, and demonstrate artistic quality and conceptual coherence. The influence and caliber of the artist or the work must be considered in terms of understanding the past, present, and future of artistic creation.

ROOTED Each project must reflect the artist's unique vision and their contribution to the world of contemporary art. Special value will be placed on works created considering the context of the platform in Uruguay.


The exhibitor’s proposals have been evaluated by a selection committee composed of six distinguished philanthropists and collectors of national and international renown.

Amalia Amoedo is a philanthropist, art collector, and patron. For over two decades, she has actively supported artists, cultural agents, and numerous institutions independently, consolidating with the creation of the Fundación Ama Amoedo numerous years of accompaniment of the contemporary art scene. She is currently a member of the Acquisitions Committee of the International Latin American Circle of the Pompidou Center (Paris), the Committee of the Latin American and Caribbean Art Fund of MoMA (New York), the International Committee and former president of the Fundación Arteba (Buenos Aires), the Association of Friends of Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires, and the International Advisory Council of the Americas Society (New York). 

Aline Herrnstadt is an architect, art historian, and curator. With a degree in architecture from the Technion Israel Institute of Technology (1991) and a Specialist Diploma in Art History and Heritage from Universidad Claeh (2021), she has a strong foundation in both design and cultural studies. Aline has been actively involved in continuous education at the Fundación de Arte Contemporáneo (FAC) since 2016, demonstrating her commitment to the contemporary art scene. She curated the exhibition “Precaria” for the 35th Season at the Espacio de Arte Contemporáneo (EAC) during the 2019-2020 season. In addition to her curatorial work, Aline is a passionate collector of contemporary and modern art.

Elianne Litwin is the co-founder and manager of Magma, a dynamic space dedicated to fashion, design, and lifestyle. With a deep commitment to pushing creative boundaries, Elianne also co-founded Magma Futura. This platform navigates the intersections of design, art, and technology, experimenting with the possibilities of future innovations. Through these ventures, Elianne has consistently explored new horizons, merging aesthetics with forward-thinking concepts to shape the future of design and creative expression.

Mohamed Julien Ndao started to develop his passion for art 15 years ago through his friendship with the gallerist Sandra Thireau-Recio in Switzerland. Born in Paris, growing up in Senegal, and moving to Europe in his young college years, Mohamed has gained extensive exposure to different cultures and ways of expressing art. He is the founder of Okapi Energy Group, a commodity merchant company based in Geneva, whose activities expand in Africa, but he also acquired a Norwegian company, Manta Marine Technologies, covering the European market for decarbonization of the shipping industry. Mohamed was appointed as Honorary Consul of France for the city of Rosario in Argentina, where he lives with his family. He is involved in various philanthropic and arts initiatives with his company, Okapi.

Alberto Rebaza is an art patron and collector who has played a significant role in the development of contemporary art in Peru and Latin America since the 1990s. He has actively supported artists, cultural agents, and institutions across the region. Alberto is the Vice President of the Lima Art Museum (MALI), a member of the Latin American Board of the Guggenheim Museum, and a member of the International Acquisitions Council of the Reina Sofía Foundation. In 2015, he founded Residencia del al Lado, an artist residency adjacent to his home, further solidifying his commitment to nurturing the arts.


ESTE ARTE will celebrate its eleventh edition from January 4 to 7, 2025, at the Pavilion Vik, José Ignacio. Over the past decade, we have created and nurtured a strong, healthy, and sustainable art system. ESTE ARTE Cultural Summit & Art Fair will feature a carefully curated selection of galleries, each showcasing their most noteworthy artists, selected exclusively for our audience in this unique enclave. While we're excited to present international artists, we're equally dedicated to promoting the local art scene, thereby positioning Uruguay as a true powerhouse in the global art landscape. At ESTE ARTE, we believe that art is not just a display of talent but a source of beauty, emotion, and inspiration. We understand the importance of creating a space where art lovers can come together to appreciate the value and impact of each piece. Our goal is to provide a venue where artists and galleries can showcase their finest work while also fostering a community of individuals who share a deep appreciation for the arts.

Founding Director of ESTE ARTE, as well as Executive Director of the James Howell Foundation in New York. Previously, Bardier held key positions at the Cultural Department of the Municipality of Napoli (Italy) and significant private collections in the United States. She has curated exhibitions in Uruguay, Italy, and the USA; her writing on contemporary art has been published in Domus Magazine, Arte al Día, Review, and Infonegocios. Bardier was a member of the National Committee of Visual Arts of Uruguay and is a Board member of ArtTable, ICI - Independent Curators International, and Creative Time.

Once again, ESTE ARTE offers a rich Cultural Program in collaboration with various national and international institutions, which reflects and promotes the importance of working together.
Fundación Ama Amoedo (FAA). An art residency founded by Argentine art collector and patron Amalia Amoedo in José Ignacio, at Casa Neptuna.
Centro de Exposiciones Subte. Space that stands out as a center for training, research, production, and dissemination of contemporary art. In collaboration with María Eugenia Vidal, director of the Subte.
MACA (Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Atchugarry). A 90-acre Museum of Contemporary Art in Manantiales, in Manatiales, Uruguay.
CAMPO. Art residency founded by American-born photographer Heidi Lender in Garzón, Uruguay.